Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Innovation and Enterprise Free Samples †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Write essay on 'Innovation and Enterprise'. Answer: Introduction: Tourism is one of the most important and economically overpowering industries of New Zealand. It contributes 3.7% of the countrys GDP which is around NZ$ 7.3 billion (Hall Page, 2012). Tourism in New Zealand is an enormous industry. It supports more than hundred thousand of full-time jobs which sore around 6% of the workforce of New Zealand. The flow-on effect of tourism also contributes 5% of GDP billion (Zealand, 2012). NZ$24 billion is added to its economy by both domestic and international tourists every year billion (Hall Page, 2012). New Zealand is perceived as the greenest and the cleanest adventure destination in the world tourism market. The natural scenic beauty of New Zealand is one of its most sought out features. The spectacular destinations are being widely viewed in various types of media including famous classic movies such as the Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit Trilogy and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. It was only the perspective of the filmmakers which presented the scenic beauty of New Zealand in such a way that it gained maximum popularity amongst tourists from all over the world (Bricker et al., 2012). Along with the natural beauty and renowned tourist attracting destinations, the tourism industry of New Zealand has also gained popularity due to various adventurous sports and exciting activities. Famous thrill activities which originated in New Zealand, include bungee jumping as well as jet boats which have today become densely popular among people from all around the world. There are many other adventurous activities which include trampling, skiing, water sports and mountaineering (Rinehart Sydnor, 2012). These activities have become famous among the people who seek adventurous sports and have a high adrenaline rush. Bungee jumping is one of the favorite activity that became world famous after its commercial conception by AJ Hackett in the year 1986 (Bridges, 2014). Discussion: Bungee or bungy jumping is one of the adventurous activities which have originated from New Zealand. It has become a renowned activity among the thrill seekers all around the world (Bridges, 2014). In this sports people are securely connected and attached with a large as well as a strong elastic cord while they jump from a high structure such as a bridge, building or moving objects or vehicles such as a helicopter or a hot air balloon (Bridges, 2014). The cord attached to the person helps a person to stay safe and not die. Anyone who attempts the jump first falls and then bounces up and then again down. This goes on for several times before the person comes to a halt. When a person jumps, he experiences the high thrill and a high adrenaline rush. This happens due to the recoiling of the cord and the kinetic energy that is built up due to the fall. Jumping from a tall structure while remaining attached to a vine was an old ritual of Vanuatu from which AJ Hackett got his inspiration (Rinehart Sydnor, 2012). He was the first person to make bungee jumping an organized commercial adventure activity. His first jump was from the Auckland's Greenhithe Bridge in the year 1986 (Rinehart Sydnor, 2012). In the coming years, he jumped from many famous structures like the Eiffel tower. His attempt to jump from a favorite spot started building interest in this sport among the public. He opened the first public bungee jumping place in Queenstown of New Zealand at the Kawarau Gorge Suspension Bridge (Bridges, 2014). The commercialization of the sports resulted in many bungee jumping sites to come up all over the world. The AJ Hackett International company is the world's largest tourism brand of gravity related sports. It was started by AJ Hackett and his friend Henry van Asch (Rinehart Sydnor, 2012). This company is in the forefront of the adventure tourism industry since its conception. The AJ Hackett International has set a standard which is used for measuring the standards of other adventure sports operators. The company implemented various innovative products to make bungee jumping world famous (Thomassen Balle, 2012). The primary products provided by AJ international are bungy jumping, heli bungy, tower climb, Skyjump, Skywalk X and outdoor observation decks (Thomassen Balle, 2012). As the inventor of the sport, AJ Hackett International has created a system so that customers can safely leap off from structures with ease from a height of around 30 meters to 250 meters (Thomassen Balle, 2012). Bungy jumping allows people to experience the free fall through implementing various innovative sys tems for a safe bungy jumping. Heli jumping is also one of the best adventurous sports service sections of the company. Customers jump from a helicopter while they remain attached to a bungee cord securely (Wilks et al., 2013). They are accompanied by a jump master each and every time who provides a briefing to the customers on the accurate techniques of attempting the jump (Thomassen Balle, 2012). The tower climbing is famous in urban areas. A small group of people is accompanied by crew members to climb towers such as Macaus summit which is at an elevation of 338 meters above sea level. People can have a lifetime experience by climbing towers which are not available usually (Thomassen Balle, 2012). Skyjump is another gravity related activity which is provided by AJ Hackett International. In sky jumps, a person is suspended with the help of chords from two sides and is allowed to fall towards the ground. At a height of 15 meters from the ground the speed is decreased by the use of a brake available with the chords and the person can slowly and safely land on the ground (Thomassen Balle, 2012). The primary aim of the AJ Hackett International is to create a unique environment which customers can experience to overcome their fears (Wilks et al., 2013). Its foremost values are customer service, customer safety, committed professional crew members, creative and innovative new products, a better environment and community and honesty and integrity among the people associated with the company. The company's ambition is to keep developing and growing their products offerings so that people from all cultures, ability, and age can experience the thrill and joy of their services (Wilks et al., 2013). The company's mission is to continue being the world leader in adventure-based tourism. The company also wants to continue delivering various kinds of services to customers so that they can experience the ultimate man-made adventure (Wilks et al., 2013). The brand of AJ International has faith in values such as the best technology and innovation, culture and belief, fun, reliability and safety along with respect and leadership. The first and the most important thing to the company is the security of the customers and their crew members. Their most important job is to eliminate any possible risks or potential incidents. They strive to achieve this security by proper operational awareness, world class site designs, and the best technologies. The crew members are highly trained and are standardized by the Jump Master Accreditation through regular training courses (Wilks et al., 2013). All the technologies and products used by the company are of the highest standards. It is to ensure the safety of the crew along with the customers. AJ Hackett manufactures all sorts of Bungy cords. Their production unit manufactures equipment specifically according to the usage and the geographical location where it will be used. The hardware which is used for the services is certified and rated before it can enter the market (Wilks et al., 2013). The popularity of the adventure sports and the AJ Hackett International was achieved by various underlying research and innovations (McKay, 2013). The services provided by the company achieved its inspirations from different aspects of life. Its central core is based on enthusiasm which was the initial reason that AJ Hackett started this business (McKay, 2013). He along with his friend Henry created this company so that they can keep experiencing the thrill and can challenge each other along with their friends for personal growth and satisfaction. He based the company on these particular values. The company provides these extreme sports experiences so that people from a variety of culture and ethics can come across and experience an absolute unique thrill (McKay, 2013). The company has many subsidiaries all over the world. It has bungy spots and other sports support at other sites and countries like China, Singapore, Australia, Russia, and Europe. The company became a world success due to its various products which gave people the thrill they seek. Popular culture has also influenced its increasing demands (McKay, 2013). The media has used its services many times, which took it to a whole new level. All over the world people could view these sports which enhanced is public demands. The company bases its products on the type of place and culture. For urban cities, it incorporated services like vertical skywalking, outdoor observations decks, and many others (McKay, 2013). Various researches were needed for attaining such public demand. The company started looking at its safety values. For the safety, new technologies were implemented (Wilks et al., 2013). For instance, the chords which are used for bungy jumps or skywalks were manufactured specifically according to the type of product and the places where it will be utilized for ultimate safety and thrill (Wilks et al., 2013). New training courses were introduced to train people worldwide for the jumping crews. For providing a swift experience to people, it created the best management teams, online supports, reservations systems, jump coordinators and transport, so that people can have the best experience from starting till the end. One of the notable features of the company is that the firm also provides photography support and mementos free of cost for the public to use these services again and again (Wilks et al., 2013). All these initiatives had a positive impact on the organization. People get a unique experience from the company which they will not get from any other service providers. People not only get a lifetime experience from the sports but a unique experience from the companys other aspects. The innovative and creative ideas of the company made their service demands by people to reach a high level. The company changed the concept of tourism (Thomassen Balle, 2012). It gave people a new aspect to indulge into when they are enjoying their vacations. AJ Hackett International is a pioneer in the field of adventure tourism. Its products and services made it reach a high standard. AJ Hackett International is the company which is used to measure the level of other adventure related organizations. Its safety and technology are of the highest grades (Thomassen Balle, 2012). The invention of bungee jumping by AJ Hackett and the creation of the AJ Hackett International brand gave a new perspective to the people for relishing their vacations and experience ultimate fun (Thomassen Balle, 2012). It created a new type of tourism service. People from all over the world want to experience such extreme and thrilling sports to get an adrenaline rush. The global tourism industry changed due to its unusual implementations. The international, as well as domestic travel, increased substantially in New Zealand (Thomassen Balle, 2012). Conclusion: The tourism industry in New Zealand expanded to the second highest level of its dairy industry. The boom in the tourism sector came from the many adventurous activities which gradually entered the tourism market. The new adventure tourism has spread all over the world from New Zealand. All around the world there is an increased demand for adventurous sports and other physical activities such as hiking and skiing . The idea of a vacation has considerably changed as now the tourists are venturing more and more into activities other than just visiting sight scenes. The activities such as trampling, tower climbing, and outdoor sky desks provided a new meaning to see a tourist place. Nature can be felt intimately if one indulges in trampling. A city can be viewed from the tallest towers and sky desks. Tourism got a whole new dimension from this area of adventure activities. References: Bricker, K., Black, R., Cottrell, S. (2012).Sustainable Tourism The Millennium Development Goals. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Bridges, J. (2014).No 8 Rewired: 202 New Zealand Inventions that Changed the World. Penguin UK. Butler, R., Hall, C. M., Jenkins, J. (1997).Tourism and recreation in rural areas. John Wiley Sons Ltd. Hall, C. M., Page, S. (2012).Tourism in south and southeast Asia. Routledge. Li, Y. (2013).Dynamic Analysis of Bungee Jumping(Doctoral dissertation, WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE). 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