Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lifestyle Magazine As An Example - 1811 Words

Using Lifestyle magazine as an example, explore how media texts target specific audience. Lifestyle magazine are magazines that tells the audience about the lifestyle they live and can have an impact on their lives as their views can be subverted by the ideology of the magazine. This ideology comes from the creators of the magazine; they put what they think instead of what the public thinks about a certain topic. In this writing i am going to talk about what the lifestyle magazines do in order to attract specific audience and how they achieve in targeting specific audience. The two lifestyle magazines that i am going to talk about are FHM and Cosmopolitan magazine. These magazines were released on november 2013 and the target audience between the two has links and oppositions. On both magazines, the central image is the image of females; which suggests that these magazines are targeted at female. But, on the front of these magazines it is a picture of seductive females which implies that the audience is different and possibly males as they would get attracted. I am going to start by analysing how FHM targets their audience and keep their loyalty so that they would not look for another magazine to replace the FHM magazine they currently hold. This magazine is promoting anti-feminism as the main central image is of a woman with a seductive look which is representing woman in a negative manner. Also, further connotes objectification of woman as the clothes signifiers showsShow MoreRelatedContemporary Lifestyle Media Views Of Feminine And Feminine Social Identity955 Words   |  4 PagesContemporary lifestyle media reinforces traditionalist views of feminine and masculine social identities promoting a gender hierarchy. 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